Grace and peace be with you! Highland Presbyterian Church is a joyful, committed congregation in which all members are ministers. As pastors, we seek to offer guidance and support in each person’s journey and to encourage the church to make a loving and conscientious impact in this world we all share. While we know that we are broken people who often fall short of what God has intended, we also believe that God loves us and works through us anyway. The Spirit has gifted each member in many ways, but none of us have all the gifts; thus we need each other, and seek to listen and encourage one another as we seek to follow in Christ’s way together. Grateful for God’s loving and transforming work with us, we work to be a means of grace and blessing in the midst of a hurting world. We invite you to join us on this wondrous journey of faith we share. See the current Highlights Newsletter here.
Current office hours: Monday–Thursday, 9am–4pm; closed Friday. The administrative offices are located on the main floor of the Education Wing, facing Cloverdale. Please call if you have questions: (336)724-6303. Highland’s address is 2380 Cloverdale Ave NW, Winston-Salem, NC 27103.