Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, March 5, begins the season of Lent, marked by Highland’s Ash Wednesday Service, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. See the recorded service here.
Lenten Book and Discussion Groups

- Lenten Congregational Book Discussion – Join us March 9–April 13, on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. in-person or Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom as we read and discuss Hard & Holy Work by Reverend Mary Alice Birdwhistell and biblical scholar Tyler Mayfield. Are we paying attention to the holy ground beneath our feet? Where do we see burning bushes in our world today, and what are they calling us to do? Do spiritual encounters in our lives have holy consequences in the world around us? Many of us want to understand how to integrate our personal spiritual lives more actively with our engagement in working for justice and the liberation of the oppressed and marginalized. Hard and Holy Work provides a space for just that, helping readers participate in Lent in a new way by becoming attuned to God’s boundless presence in our world and waking up to and taking action for God’s justice through exploring stories from the book of Exodus that have inspired the work of liberation for centuries. Books are available for purchase in the Gallery Hall for $15.
Sharing Calendars for Lent

During the season of Lent, we are encouraged to take part in the activities on the Lenten Calendar from The Presbyterian Hunger Program of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The calendar offers prompts for prayer and reflection, links for learning, and encouragement for ways to care for God’s creation more intentionally. Printed copies of the calendar are available at the church.
To access the PDF of the “Tread Lightly” calendar, please CLICK HERE.
In addition, to access the PDF of the One Great Hour of Sharing calendar, please CLICK HERE.