CROP Walk, 2024

Please mark your calendars for this year’s CROP Walk on Sunday, October 20, 2:00 p.m. We need folks of all ages to be part of our Highland team! If you are not able to walk with us, there are ways for you to support our walkers through prayer and a financial gift. Click here to register to walk or donate online to Crop Walk (our team name is Highland Presbyterian, Winston-Salem, NC).

Watch for details about donation envelopes and T-shirts for all registered walkers.

CROP Walk raises funds to support hunger-relief ministries in our community and around the world. Much of the money raised goes to the ministry of Church World Service. They have ministries and partners in place around the world to provide life-saving support like emergency food, seeds, tools, and programs which will help people feed themselves in the future.
We hope you will join in this small but important way to share God’s love and support.

      —The Global Service Committee