Earth Care & Resources

Almost an Earth Care Congregation!
In their January stated meetings, Highland’s Diaconate and Session pledged to support Highland in becoming a PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation. Our application has been submitted, and we await word after the February 15 deadline as to our status. (Watch for our new Earth Care logo in the weeks to come!) As we wait, our work of caring for this fragile and amazing earth continues. One way our Earth Care Team wants to do that is by helping you find a good next home (and not the landfill) for small items. We will have collection boxes in the Gallery Hall to receive your used printer cartridges (ink-jet and toner) and your natural wine corks. Feel free to bring these items in to drop off any time you come to the church. We know these are small items, but every little bit we can keep out of the landfill will help! Let Debbie Layman know if you have questions.

We look forward to improving our stewardship of the earth as a congregation in 2025 and beyond.         ~The Global Service Committee and the Earth Care Team

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