Sunday, September 22
One Sunday a year we set aside a special time to celebrate and to give thanks for our family in Christ at El Buen Pastor. At Highland, we partner in ministry with El Buen Pastor throughout the year. Economic times are hard, especially in this segment of our community, and this church family will be dependent upon our financial and prayer support for a long time. They do so much with so little. As we do annually, a special offering will be taken on Sunday, September 22, to support the ministry of El Buen Pastor. Thank you for your generous support of this outreach in our community.
Contact Joy Hohmann in the church office if you have questions about ways to support this fund. Gifts to the fund can be made by sending checks to the church office, or through our online giving portal – click here for member access, or here to give as a guest.
Our Global Service Committee continues to stay in touch with the pastor of El Buen Pastor, Rev. Jorge Vasquez Jimenez. El Buen Pastor has a new video (see below) which updates us on their ministries. We appreciate your generous financial and prayer support for these siblings in Christ. They are grateful!