Highland Worship In-Person

Updated on February 28, 2025

March 02, Transfiguration Sunday

On this Transfiguration Sunday, we will overhear God’s voice speaking to the disciples about Jesus, saying to them, “Listen to him!” We, too, are called to listen to Jesus’ voice in the cacophany of our days, and to follow in his way together. We hope you will plan to be with us! (Join us in person for worship at 11:00 a.m. or online with the livestream beginning at 10:45 a.m.) On this first Sunday of the month, we will share the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, and will receive our monthly 5 Cents a Meal offering.

We have another full Sunday as we gather as a community of learning, as well–both in the morning for church school, and in the afternoon for our Winter Forum(Please see below for details).

The Season of Lent begins this week, and we will gather for worship this Ash Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary following our Fling Meal at 6:00. (Please see below for details about this as well.)

May God continue to grant us strength, wisdom, and courage for the living of these days.

Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m. or Online
Scripture Readings: Exodus: 34:29-35; Luke 9:28-43
Sermon: Learning to Listen to Jesus, Randy Harris
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
5 cents-a-meal & Pasta Sauce collection

Click here for the bulletin and video link for the livestream service, which will be available Sunday beginning at 10:45 a.m.

Sunday Schedule:

Winter Forum: Hannah McMahan King, 4:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Lessons on Life and Leadership from A Humble Sunday School Teacher: Before coming to work as the Assistant Dean of Development at Wake Forest University School of Divinity, Hannah McMahan King worked to launch the New Baptist Covenant under the leadership of former President Jimmy Carter. McMahan King worked with Carter for 13 years on this initiative. McMahan King will reflect on lessons learned from President Carter regarding living a meaningful life and faithful leadership. Please join us even if you have not RSVP.

Fling Meal, March 5, 6:00 p.m.: Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a fan favorite meal prepared by the Andrus family. Shredded chicken, beef, and all of the traditional Taco toppings will be available for you to create your own Taco Masterpiece! To sign up Click Here.

Ash Wednesday Service, March 5, 7:00 p.m.: Please join us in the Sanctuary as we begin the Lenten season together. Our service will feature scripture readings, Lenten hymns, and the imposition of ashes for those who desire.

Prelude Participation Volunteers: We hope Highland members of ALL ages will sign up to help prepare the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings for Worship. We have space and opportunities for four volunteers each Sunday morning. We would love to see Highlanders fill these positions of lighting the candle, placing the Bible on the lectern, filling the Baptismal Font, and/or placing the Communion Chalice and Plate on the Communion Table. Volunteer Here!

🌎 Service
Moore School Food Pantry, Highland, alongside Temple Emmanuel, supports Moore Elementary School by providing a food pantry for students of Moore School and their families. For the month of January, we are asking for donations of grits or oatmeal.

🌞 Children
Faith Formation for Children and Youth: Classes for children, 3 years old through 4th Grade, are located on the third floor of the Education Building. Middle School (including 5th Grade) and Senior High Youth classes are located in the Activity Building.

😎 Youth
Join us this Sunday for Youth Fellowship! We will enjoy a delicious pancake feast and prepare our hearts for Lent! Middlers, 4:00 p.m., Senior High, 5:00 p.m.

📖 Adults
Women & Men’s Montreat Retreats: We are looking forward to our annual Retreats and hope that you will take a moment to check your calendars and sign up before they are full! The Women’s Retreat will take place March 14-16 and the Men’s Retreat will take place April 25-27. Women’s Retreat Click Here / Men’s Retreat Click Here.

Lenten Study Discussion Groups: Our Lenten Discussion Book is Hard & Holy Work, groups will begin gathering on March 9. You can join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 in the Ardmore Room or via Zoom on Monday nights at 7:00. Books will soon be available in the Gallery Hall for $15.

Sunday Morning Church School Offerings, 9:30 a.m.
Classes Available for the Winter Quarter:

  • The Present Word Class, Room 124 & Zoom
  • Lectionary Café, Salem Room
  • Parents’ Conversation Room 126
  • A Hidden Wholeness, with Parker Palmer, Ardmore Room

(Zoom links will be available in the Sunday morning email.)

Music Ministry Opportunities are available, and are open to members and friends of the congregation with some experience making music in these ways. Email Chris Gilliam, Director of Music, to express interest in the Chancel Choir, or Haley Chapman, to express interest in the handbell choir.

💗Giving to HPC is Easy!
Give Online: To give from your computer or smartphone, Click Here.
Text-to-Give: Text the word highland to 73256 and follow the instructions.
Mail a Check: Address to Highland Presbyterian Church, Attn. Joy Hohmann, 2380 Cloverdale Avenue, Winston Salem, NC 27103.

For Education, Youth, Children, and Family Updates, please see the News & Events page.