Highland Worship In-Person

Updated on January 24, 2025

January 26, Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

We look forward to a full morning of worship and learning this Sunday. In worship we will explore Jesus’ sermon given at his home synagogue in Nazareth (some may remember that this is the sermon that makes the congregation want to throw him off a cliff when he finished it!) I’m hopeful that you will not respond in a similar way! We will also share in a makeup installation service for one of our newly-elected Deacons, and then take part in our annual meeting of the congregation at the end of worship.

Our current round of Christian Education offerings continues this Sunday as well. Please see below for details, and plan to join with us as we continue to grow and learn together in this new year.

Sunday Worship at 11:00 a.m. or Online
Scripture Readings: Luke 4:14-21, 22-30
Sermon: When the Sermon Goes Too Long, Randy Harris

Click here for the bulletin and video link for the livestream service, which will be available Sunday beginning at 10:45 a.m.

Sunday Schedule:

Stewardship for 2025: From Generation to Generation is our theme. You can still make your commitment for this new year of ministry together. Stewardship information has been mailed, and forms are also available online. Clink the links below to access them.
Stewardship Brochure
Pledge Card
Time & Talent Form

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will take place this Sunday, January 26. Please see page 1 of the new issue of Highlights for details about the meeting, and be sure to review the 2024 Annual Committee Report booklet as well. All active members are encouraged to attend.

First 2025 Fling Fellowship Meal: our first mid-week meal will be on January 29 at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This meal will be prepared by Marshall Harris and friends. We will enjoy a hearty baked potato bar that includes chili with meat topping, vegetarian chili topping, a large selection of other traditional potato toppings, a salad bar with a variety of toppings, a dessert and beverage! This is a great deal for only $10 a person ($30 cap for a family) and a wonderful chance to fellowship with Highland friends and family. Please sign up HERE. We hope you all will mark your calendars and make plans to join us!

Worship at “Mother Lloyd” Presbyterian Church this Sunday afternoon, January 26, at 3:00 p.m. (748 N. Chestnut Street, Winston-Salem). Salem Presbytery invites Presbyterians in the community to support this ongoing effort to reinvigorate this historic African-American congregation.

Prelude Participation Volunteers: We hope Highland members of ALL ages will sign up to help prepare the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings for Worship. We have space and opportunities for four volunteers each Sunday morning. We would love to see Highlanders fill these positions of lighting the candle, placing the Bible on the lectern, filling the Baptismal Font, and/or placing the Communion Chalice and Plate on the Communion Table. Volunteer Here!

🌎 Service
Moore School Food Pantry, Highland, alongside Temple Emmanuel, supports Moore Elementary School by providing a food pantry for students of Moore School and their families. For the month of January, we are asking for donations of grits or oatmeal.

St. Timothy’s Overflow Shelter: St. Timothy’s Women’s Overflow is open nightly this season, and is once again serving the most vulnerable among us. Recruit your friends, Meet & Eat group, committee or neighbors to help the guests by signing up for a dinner, to-go bags, or hospitality. Shelter Volunteers Click Here

🌞 Children
Faith Formation for Children and Youth: Classes for children, 3 years old through 4th Grade, are located on the third floor of the Education Building. Middle School (including 5th Grade) and Senior High Youth classes are located in the Activity Building.

😎 Youth
Youth Fellowship this Sunday will gear up for the Souper Bowl of Caring! We’ll be making sandwiches for Samaritan Ministries and finalizing plans for the special offering. Join us for an afternoon of service and teamwork as we make a difference together!

Youth and Families sexuality retreat is rescheduled for February 16 due to inclement weather travel concerns for our facilitator. Find more information for opportunities for parents and separate sessions for youth here.

📖 Adults
Sunday Morning Church School Offerings, 9:30 a.m.
Classes Available for the Winter Quarter:
*The Life and Legacy of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ardmore Room
*The Present Word Class, Room 124 & Zoom
*Parents’ Conversation Room 126
(Zoom links will be available in the Sunday morning email.)

Music Ministry Opportunities are available, and are open to members and friends of the congregation with some experience making music in these ways. Email Chris Gilliam, Director of Music, to express interest in the Chancel Choir, or Haley Chapman, to express interest in the handbell choir.

💗Giving to HPC is Easy!
Give Online: To give from your computer or smartphone, Click Here.
Text-to-Give: Text the word highland to 73256 and follow the instructions.
Mail a Check: Address to Highland Presbyterian Church, Attn. Joy Hohmann, 2380 Cloverdale Avenue, Winston Salem, NC 27103.

For Education, Youth, Children, and Family Updates, please see the News & Events page.