Mid-Week Bible Studies

Thursday Morning Women’s Study – Jesus for EveryoneNot Just Christians, by Amy-Jill Levine. Beginning November 21, 10:00–11:30 a.m., Ardmore Room. Why Jesus’s historic and cultural influence makes him fascinating, provocative, and relevant for everyone, not only Christians. Two thousand years after his birth and death, Jesus of Nazareth continues to be of vital interest. Yet much of the scholarship around Jesus focuses on his religious significance. Jesus for Everyone examines his most famous teachings from a fresh perspective, exploring how they have continued to shape ethics and civilization in the West for two millennia. Even for those who reject faith, Jesus’s life and his philosophy are important to study, writes renowned biblical scholar and author Amy-Jill Levine, because of the insights they hold for us today. Poring through scripture, analyzing what historical scholarship has revealed about Jesus’s views on a number of subjects including women—reveals surprising messages sure to be fascinating to all readers. Placing Jesus of Nazareth within his historical context, Levine brings him vividly into focus and invites everyone from faithful Christians, agnostics, and the most committed nonbelievers to appreciate his lasting impact on the modern world. If you are looking for a fun, engaging group of women to study alongside while building lifelong friendships, please join us. For more information or to purchase a book for $10 contact Heather Ferguson.

The Presbyterian Women
The Presbyterian Women focus on Bible study, mission projects, and fellowship. There are two active circles available for the women of Highland that meet September through May. This year’s study is Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in
. The study guides are now available in the Conference Room just off the Gallery Hall. There is no cost for the guide, but Circle members are asked to make a yearly contribution to Presbyterian Women.

  • The Morning Circle meets at 10:30 on the first Tuesday of the month in the Salem Room of the Activity Building. For more information please contact Heather Ferguson, 336-724-6303.
  • The Afternoon Circle meets from 2–3:00 p.m. on the first Monday of the month in the Ardmore Room of the Activity Building. New and continuing participants are encouraged to join us for fellowship and Bible study. For more information please contact Ellen Doyle  or Carolyn Birk.

Men’s Breakfast Study, The Wired Word, gathers on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 a.m. for a time of fellowship and study. Join us for breakfast, coffee, and conversation in the Fellowship Hall of the Activity Building. All men are welcome for this time of fellowship and study. Email Randy Harris for details.

Young Adult Study Group, (20s and 30s) using a variety of books, meet on Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. See the Young Adults page for more information.

Faith & Film, 2nd Mondays, 7:00 p.m. at The Sherwood Restaurant. See the Faith & Film page for more information.

Many other opportunities for spiritual enrichment and fellowship come along on nearly a weekly basis.  Be sure to read about upcoming opportunities in the current issue of Highlights as well as other activities listed on the News & Events page.