In 2013, Highland and Temple Emanuel joined together to provide a pantry for families of Moore Elementary School. It was the first school based pantry to open in Forsyth County and served as a model for future school pantries in the county. We offer shelf stable items as well as fresh produce, fruit, bread, and frozen meat to families that have children enrolled at Moore Elementary School. Second Harvest recognized the pantry as a leader for providing healthy food choices not only for children, but the entire household. The pantry is open bimonthly all year long. Please contact the church office, 336.724.6303, to learn how you can be involved in this rewarding community service ministry.
We have busy this year and would love to have your help. Please sign up for “Moore Elementary Pantry Winter Volunteering.” Please click here to view the online sign up sheet.
For the month of January, we are asking for donations of grits or oatmeal. You will find the donation box in the Gallery hallway. If you have a question about a possible item(s) for donation, please contact Dawn Nelson, 336-926-8719. Thank You!
The pantry also needs brown paper grocery bags. Please place in the Moore Food Pantry box located in the back hallway of the sanctuary (close to the mailroom). Thanks everyone, we are running low!
Read more in the WS Journal here.