News & Events

Office hours: Monday–Thursday, 9am–4pm; closed Friday. The administrative offices are located on the main floor of the Education Wing, facing Cloverdale. Please call if you have questions: (336) 724-6303.

Acoustic Café, 2025

Highland’s Food Pantry Needs: Highland, alongside Temple Emmanuel supports Moore Elementary School by providing a food pantry for students of Moore School and their families. For the month of March, we are asking for donations of canned beans. You will find the donation box in the Gallery hallway. If you have a question about a possible item(s) for donation, please contact Dawn Nelson, 336-926-8719. Thank You!

More updates can be found here.

Sunday, March 2, 11:00 a.m.: Randy Harris will be preaching on this Transfiguration Sunday, guided by scripture in Exodus: 34:29-35 and Luke 9:28-43.  On this first Sunday of the month, we will share the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, and will receive our monthly 5 Cents a Meal offering. Whether in person or online, we hope you will join with us. See the bulletin here. Click here for the Highland Worship Online page, where there is a virtual “Friendship Pad” as well as a virtual “offering plate.” You may also subscribe to Highland’s YouTube channel here.  

Sunday, March 2: Don’t forget to bring your gifts for our monthly Hunger Offering — pasta sauce for Crisis Control and your 5 Cents a Meal for our Presbytery! Thank you for your generous donations supporting neighbors who hunger in our community and around the world.

Sunday, March 2: 4:00 p.m. Winter Forum: Hannah McMahan King, 4:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Lessons on Life and Leadership from A Humble Sunday School Teacher – Before coming to work as the Assistant Dean of Development at Wake Forest University School of Divinity, Hannah McMahan King worked to launch the New Baptist Covenant under the leadership of former President Jimmy Carter. McMahan King worked with Carter for 13 years on this initiative. McMahan King will reflect on lessons learned from President Carter regarding living a meaningful life and faithful leadership. Please join us even if you have not RSVP.

Monday, March 3: 2:00 p.m.: Circle Meeting, Ardmore Room – see the Presbyterian Women for details

Tuesday, March 4: 10:00 a.m. Coffee & Conversation, Panera Bread – see Highlights, p. 4 for more information

Tuesday, March 4: 10:00 a.m. Circle Meeting, Ardmore Room – see the Presbyterian Women for details

Wednesday, March 5: 11:00 a.m. Lamentations & Laughter, AB 5 – see the Friendship Groups page for details

Wednesday, March 5: 6:00 p.m. Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a fan favorite meal prepared by the Andrus family. Shredded chicken, beef, and all of the traditional Taco toppings will be available for you to create your own Taco Masterpiece! To sign up Click Here.

Wednesday, March 5: 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service, Sanctuary – Please join us as we begin the Lenten season together. Our service will feature scripture readings, Lenten hymns, and the imposition of ashes for those who desire.

Thursday, March 6: 10:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study, Ardmore Room – see Mid-Week Bible Studies page for details

Thursday, March 6: 7:30 p.m. Bookmarks and Footnote Book Swap – see the Young Adults page for details

Saturday, March 8: 11:15 a.m. Ukulele practice, Room 126

Please see the current Highlights for more detailed information.