Highland Winter Forum Speaker—Hannah McMahan King
Lessons on Life and Leadership from A Humble Sunday School Teacher, Sunday, March 2, 4:00 p.m., Activity Building – sign up here.
Fling Meal, March 5, 6:00 p.m.: Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a fan favorite meal prepared by the Andrus family. Shredded chicken, beef, and all of the traditional Taco toppings will be available for you to create your own Taco Masterpiece! To sign up Click Here.
Prelude Participation Volunteers: We hope Highland members of ALL ages will sign up to help prepare the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings for Worship. We have space and opportunities for four volunteers each Sunday morning. We would love to see Highlanders fill these positions of lighting the candle, placing the Bible on the lectern, filling the Baptismal Font, and/or placing the Communion Chalice and Plate on the Communion Table. Volunteer Here!
Women & Men’s Montreat Retreats: We are looking forward to our annual Retreats and hope that you will take a moment to check your calendars and sign up before they are full! The Women’s Retreat will take place March 14-16 and the Men’s Retreat will take place April 25-27. Women’s Retreat Click Here / Men’s Retreat Click Here.