Randy Harris, Pastor, began serving at Highland in July, 2008. He loves the way that Highland so generously puts its faith into action through every part of its worshiping, learning, caring and serving life, and is grateful for the church’s rich heritage of reaching out into the community of Winston-Salem. Randy is a graduate of Hampden-Sydney College in VA, Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA and Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. He has served as Associate Pastor of First Presbyterian in Columbus, GA and as Pastor of Pickens Presbyterian in Pickens, SC. He and his wife, Carol Ann, have a son and daughter, Marshall and Morgan.
Debbie Layman, Associate Pastor, began serving at Highland in November, 2004. Debbie’s interests at Highland include helping us care for each other in times of sorrow and joy, learning about the needs of our neighbors near and far – and responding to those needs, welcoming new members, and facilitating fellowship opportunities. She also enjoys a good book study on poverty, racism or LGBTQ+ issues. Debbie is a graduate of Davidson College in NC and Princeton Theological Seminary in NJ. She previously served as Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian in Urbana, Illinois for eight years. She and her husband Glenn Otterbacher have two kids, the oldest of whom is now a student at American University in DC.
Courtney Stevens, Associate Pastor for Youth and Young Adults, began serving at Highland in August, 2014. A graduate of Queens University of Charlotte and Columbia Theological Seminary, GA, Courtney has a heart for ministry with young people. She has served as an intern at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia, First Presbyterian Church in Gastonia, North Carolina, and Riverside Presbyterian Church in Jacksonville, Florida. She is an enthusiastic presence with a love of connecting young people into the life of the church.
Heather Ferguson, Director of Christian Education, began serving again at Highland in 2020; as many may recall, Heather was Highland’s DCE from 1995–2010, and now returns to us after serving Presbyterian congregations in Chapel Hill, Durham, and Asheville. Heather is a graduate of Montreat-Anderson College in NC, Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, VA and Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. She loves to identify and nurture the gifts of ministry in members of all ages and is happy to begin this new journey with Highland.
Chris Gilliam, Director of Music, began serving at Highland in August, 2022. Chris grew up not far from Winston-Salem in Jonesville, NC, where he was encouraged to utilize his musical gifts in church as a youth. He’s particularly grateful for Highland’s love of great choral music and the pipe organ, and for all the amazing congregants who share their gifts to make Highland’s thriving music ministry possible. Chris has been a full-time educator on the university level for the past 20 years. He has served at Wake Forest University as Director of Choral Activities and Assistant Professor since 2020, and he has been the Director of the Winston-Salem Symphony Chorus since 2015. He received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in voice performance and the Master of Music degree in choral conducting in 2003 from the University of Kansas, where he studied with mentor Simon Carrington.
Susan Bates, Organist, Susan first came to Winston-Salem to study music at Salem College. After graduate work at Yale University, where she served as Assistant University Organist and Instructor of Undergraduate Organ, she returned to Winston-Salem and in the following years was blessed to serve as organist at several area churches, including Home Moravian Church, West Market St. UMC in Greensboro, and Centenary UMC. Having played at Highland as a substitute organist in recent years she has experienced a true heart calling to be in music ministry here. Susan began serving as Highland’s organist in June, 2024.
Haley Chapman, Director of Children’s Music and Handbells, began serving at Highland in November, 2023. Haley currently serves as a chorus director at Summit School in Winston-Salem. She has a BA in Music Education from Georgia Southern University, and a Master’s in Choral Conducting from the University of Southern Mississippi. She grew up singing in both church and school choirs and knew from the time she was in 6th grade that she wanted her life’s work to be with choirs and music. In addition to working with our Children’s Choir and our Handbells, Haley also serves as a section leader in our Chancel Choir.
Joy Hohmann, Office Business Manager, joined the staff of Highland in November, 2014. She manages all the book-keeping and accounting functions for the church, as well as assists various committees in business management tasks.
Gidget Payne, part-time Administrative Assistant, joined the staff of Highland in 2015. She maintains the church office database and handles many of the details and support efforts for the staff. In addition, Gidget coordinates volunteers for the Church Office.